Manuli Ryco Innovation Centre Hosts Successful Fluiconnecto Management Induction Course

From Monday 4th to Friday 8th February 2024, the Manuli Ryco Innovation Centre (MRIC) in Bologna played host to the Intensive Management Induction (IMI) course, welcoming 20 Fluiconnecto delegates from 9 different countries. This annual event, now a fixture in the calendar for new and young managers, marked a historic high in attendance this year.

The IMI course offers a comprehensive introduction to Manuli Ryco, covering its historical business evolution, operations, products, services, future trends, and vision. Fluiconnecto attendees were immersed in a diverse agenda comprising of presentations on managerial subjects, active teamwork sessions, personal development activities, and hands-on experience in our laboratories.

Mr. Poletti - Director of Innovation and Development MRIC welcomed the Fluiconnecto delegates and set the tone for a week of learning and collaboration. Feedback from participants has been overwhelmingly positive, with managers from varied cultural, professional, and geographical backgrounds praising the immersive and informative nature of the course.

Mr Seghi - Knowledge Management Consultant, organizer on the event, said, “This intensive induction not only equips attendees with a deep understanding of the company but also fosters a sense of camaraderie and mutual understanding among our team members”. The connections made during the course are expected to contribute significantly to professional networking within the Manuli Ryco group.

All Fluiconnecto delegates received certificates upon completion of the course, symbolizing their commitment to ongoing learning and development within Manuli Ryco group. As the world adapts to new challenges, events like the IMI course play a crucial role in preparing the next generation of leaders for success.